Southern part of Armenia, particularly Syunik region, is famous for its unique ecosystems, geology, landscape, biological, geomorphological nature diversity, big number of natural monuments, and resources.
“Arevik” National Park was established for the purpose of widening protected areas in Syunik region. The national park was opened in 2010. The territory is 34401,8 ha.
Almost all the variety of natural zones are reflected in the territory of the park: from low and medium mountain semideserts up to high mountain steppes and near alpine type landscapes of Meghri river upstream.
The protection of rare and endangered species is essential here. In the last 60 years striped hyena was found in Armenia; it is recorded in Red Data List of Armenia. According to some scientific sources, since the 20th century hyena was met in Araks River basin, Echmiadzin, Meghri, Shamshadin and Ijevan regions. The last record about hyena was made in 1925, when the animal was met near Novruzlu village of Artashat region. According to other evidences, the animal was met in 1940 as well.
The national park cooperates with “Shikahogh” reserve and neighboring communities in development of ecotourism, appropriate use of pastures and other natural resources.